Once you've completed the rest of your display, it's time to schedule your show. Thankfully, with the included xSchedule software, scheduling is simple!
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Great video but already out of date unless it's my fault. My xlights version is .43. When I add a new playlist is pops up in the right window as and I can't figure out how to name it. I also don't get any options about first play / shuffle etc. But I do go ahead and enter the five sequences that I have ready. After that I don't see the choice for FastAudio. Then I do pretty well with the scheduleing of days etc. Is there a new video on this new version. Also , once you have a schedule is there a way to run it manually at any time you desire? I am trying to use my system with the HinksPix Pro but that tab on the tools menu doesn't appear to work right either. The window opens but the row of buttons at the top of the window are all "dead" ending the process right there. I guess my mistake was not starting last year!!!